Saturday, February 20, 2010

Networking Sluts

Today I read a tweet link about how finding a job is basically all about networking. This is also something my 24-year-old brother (who believes he knows everything about everything) always tells me. On the one hand I completely agree, really you are not going to get anywhere if you don’t go out and meet people. From my job hunting experience so far I have learned you can email your resume to potential “new bosses” everyday, but usually it just falls on deaf ears. Or in my case, "deaf" inboxes. If you don’t know anyone or unless you have a resume that makes you SO overqualified or unique you jump out of their computer and punch your potential boss in the face, you end up getting hit with the delete key.

On the other hand, I sometimes feel, going to networking events is a waste of time. If you go to more than one networking event where usually the same people are you begin to look like a networking slut. When I can, I attend Social Media Club (SMC) of Seattle's monthly get togethers and am part of a public relations book club and have attended a few other events here and there. Don’t get me wrong I have met some people who have been very useful to me in one way or another; Tony, my graphic designer friend for instance. But for the most part I find these networking events to be sometimes tedious and a waste of my time. Plus, unless you are fully and one hundred percent skilled in the words of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influnce People," you probably will not be as successful at these events as you or Dale Carnegie would have hoped.

I know your thinking, “well, Britt if you are not going to go to events why are you complaining about not having a job?” I’m not saying that, what I am saying, is I don’t find networking and networking events all that easy to be at. For the most part people with jobs at networking events know the only reason you are talking to them is because you don’t have a job, especially in this current economy. I went to the January SMC event, obviously jobless, where a guy had a sign on his back that said “Job hunter.” I bet this was not his first event and he is probably part of the group of networking sluts I spoke of earlier.

So I ask, how are you supposed to network without looking to desperate? It’s almost as if they should have speed dating for job hunters, no not a job fair, something more professional. Employers would line up and each would get three minutes to speak with “potential” candidates. After the event is over if they liked you, everyone would exchanges info and you would come in for a more formal interview. However if the chemistry wasn’t there everyone would go their separate ways. No idol chit chat, no ridiculous “thank you, I had a great time” just wham bam thank you ma'am, you have yourself the job.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dancing Stick Figures & Fashionable Spies

With a great deal of extra time on my hands, and my daily perusing of Craiglist, I have begun to think of many forms of employment I would have liked to pursue in my life, other than PR or writing. View this kind of like when you were little and had to write about what you want to be when you grow up, this is my "I wish I could have been, but never could be when I grow up" list.

1. Tattoo artist: I would love to be a tattoo artist. Unfortunately I can’t draw. Unless there is a major calling for stick figures, clouds, or shaggy dogs. My dream of becoming Kat Von D is not very likely. I guess I will just have to stick with getting rather than giving tattoos. However, Kat when you need an artist who specializes in stick figures, I'm your girl.

2. Professional dancer: If it's a dance movie, I have probably seen it. Anything from ballet, ballroom or hip hop, this girl loves her dance flicks. However, as you can tell by my blog banner, I am white and lack all sense of rhythm thus my dance career was over before it even started. Therefore I must live vicariously through dance movies. Step Up 2 is one of my favorites, and in my perfect world Beyonce would decide to become my best friend and teach me to dance.

3. Fashion designer: I love clothes and have a million ideas for great pieces. However, based on my sewing ability this is a little more than a pipe dream. Example; yesterday I tried to sew buttons on a shirt, every button was crooked. Luckily my friend Kristi, who can sew which is why were friends, fixed them. I am pretty sure junior high home ec students could do a better job. Oh, in addition to my lack of sewing ability, remember, I still can’t draw.

4. Spy: Really I don’t know what qualifications one needs to be a spy. According to movies and my brother, you must first be an orphan; second, lose your memory; third, have no major personal ties, and fourth be able to do back flips off building and drive like Jason Stathum. Much to my spy dream dismay I was born to a large Italian family and have quite a few personal ties, but the the back flips shouldn't be a problem.

Overall, in my constant job search I guess writing and PR are my best fit. But a girl can dream can't she. However, next time I am searching Craigslist and come across an ad for tattooer whose specality is stick figures and shaggy dogs you know I will be the first to apply.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Interships are the New Black

In case you are keeping track I have been unemployed for almost six months, and my 30th birthday is looming oh so close. It is due to these factors, I have decided it is time to swallow my pride and do what I thought I was too old to do, find myself an internship.

I know, I know, it’s not that bad. Internships teach you a lot and provide real on the job training. My problem with this new venture, is that I view interns as being; very young and rather inexperienced. Which I know is a mind frame I need to change.

Last week, I had lunch with my snarky friend Alyson, whom I met while attending the UW PR Masters Certificate program. Alyson, at the young age of twenty four, is my current career inspiration; Beyonce and Kelly Cutrone seemed a bit out of reach. A few months ago, she finished a three month internship with a really great boutique PR firm Duo PR, where she learned everything and met what seems like everyone. When it ended Alyson, was temporarily out of a job. Don’t worry, Alyson’s story is not sad, she was able to use her internship experience to recently land a great position with Edelman.

As I said, Alyson is only twenty four, which is in the age category which falls within the range I have been an ageist with my feelings towards in interns. She knows this and has accepted the fact, but really she gets the last laugh. For she was only unemployed for one month and has now found a great job and I have been unemployed going on six months.

Thus to conclude, I have had an internship change of heart and must go out and find one knowing it will provide me with the skills and tools needed to find my true career. So to all of you businesses out there, I am ready to get coffee, file papers, organize, stuff envelopes, and do whatever else I need to do to propel myself in the right direction.

Besides, I heard internships are SOOO in for Spring, all the cool kids are getting one.