Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Smashed Penny Necklace for your Thoughts

When I travel I like to pick up some sort of souvenir from each stop. However I am not a tchotchkes person, as I mentioned before no cat statues for me. Based on both of those facts and not loving tee-shirts with location names, I started collecting smashed pennies.

They are easy to collect and super cheap, at $.51 a piece. However, as I have collected them for sometime now, it recently occurred to me that I should do something with them. So as someone who makes jewelry I figured make them into a necklace.

For the sake of getting re-pinned on Pintrest I am displaying it on my old man pug the distinguished Thelonious Monk, however a better picture is below. Check it out you could make one too.

Until next time....

*Side note, tchotchkes is a very hard word to spell #justsaying