Friday, May 13, 2011

Weird Wednesday!

Yesterday I tried to post about my very strange Wednesday, but blogger was down. And since today was far from memorable, view this post as if you were reading it on Thursday May 12th, like you're going back in time. So hold on here we go......

So yesterday was a very strange day. I woke up to an email from an adult website wanting to share links on my blog. It was not spam it was a real email. Now I can kind of understand why they might think soinsoout would want to share links with an adult website, but well I'm really looking for a different branding and audience, but it still made me laugh, a lot. 

Later in the day I went to a eco-friendly woman's event, which I was hoping was for networking. No it was about shopping and spas. My right arm did however receive a turmeric, coconut oil scrub. I left the event with two rulers made out of old phonebooks and some dark chocolate chapstick. Why do grown women need rulers? I did however get to debut my pink nut necklace (it really needs a better name). It got fantastic reviews, which was well fantastic. In addition to my necklace making it's debut, the event allowed me to be a featured writer for Chicecologist, an eco-friendly blog. Also fantastic.

My day ended with my much younger friend Sheila and I getting hit on by a slightly nerdy guy, while having happy hour. He claimed he was sent over on a bet. I asked him what he won and he said us....and the chance to buy us saki. Really? He than asked my friend for a kiss on the cheek. Wow, really guy come on. 
Yeah so yesterday was weird, but humorous, which is actually a good match.

See now wasn't going back in time fun? Until next time....

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