Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's My Birthday Biatchs, and for it I got a Job....Well Sort of

Oh the timing. Today is my 30th birthday. For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know, when I was 25 I promised myself that by the time I turned 30 I was going to have the job of my dreams. As the unsettling hour approached I began to get more and more nervous, and last week I essentiality gave up. But then today the career God’s decided to look down on me and say “yes Britt, we want you to reenter the career world.” Although not completely a career, I got an internship! But not just any internship, I got an internship that “gets me.”

Randall PR, atop the glamorous Fairmont Hotel, will be my PR learning haven for the next three months. I could not be more excited. In my opinion, if Sex and the City was a PR firm it would be Randall PR. I mean they wear heels, all of them. Did I mention they get me? I am aware I am a little quirky. Other places I have interviewed did not understand my desire to do a job where I combined my public relations training, journalism degree, and social media. Randall is different; they understand what I want and think it’s great, and want to use it.

So my friends, today I turn 30. Instead of not being mature about not having a job at 30 I will accept it with open arms. The adult I am today will take this internship by the heels and be the best intern Randall PR has ever had. But don’t worry faithful readers, I still don’t have a “career”, so soinsoout will still run strong. At least now I am not SO out anymore. Happy Birthday to me, come on 30 bring it on, I’m not scared!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Britt! Congrats on the job, too! That is fantastic! I can't wait to hear about your adventures at Randall!
