Monday, March 28, 2011

Banana Bread!

I woke up a bit out of sorts today, my dead grandma's term. So to remedy that, I looked for jobs, for 3 hours. I kept myself busy with various projects. and ordered some ring shanks for a few new projects. 

Shortly after , Husband decided he wanted Italian for dinner. Upon looking in the freezer I came across two, count them two, one gallon Ziploc bags of frozen bananas. So what does one do with that many bananas? I made the following:
  • 2 loaves of chocolate chip banana bread
  • 2 loaves of pineapple, coconut banana bread
  • 1 loaf of pineapple banana bread
  • 1 loaf of blueberry walnut banana bread
  • A dozen gluten free, blueberry, walnut, oat bread
  • 1 tiny loaf of gluten free, blueberry, walnut, oat bread
Needless to say I have a lot of banana bread now. Do you want some? 

I ended the day with spinning and Italian food. Overall, the day ended better than it started. I'm glad about my completed projects and the banana bread made me feel better, plus the ring shanks for my new ring is exciting.

In addition, Husband has mentioned I should write a separate post about each of my Etsy pieces and how I made them. So expect that tomorrow. 

Until next time.......