Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Purple Shoes, need I say more?

Today I went to my job interview. I think it went well. It seemed to go well. I hope it went well. I was asked back to talk to the other partner next week, however based on their name I'm not sure if it's a man or a women. I'm excited, I like the vibe of the space and a bit of very part time, part time work will add nicely to my employment repertoire. 

Aside from the good interview, I learned something today about purple shoes. To my interview I wore purple shoes, black opaque tights and a black patterned dress. I got more compliments on my shoes than on any of my other pairs, and I have a pretty fantastic selection of shoes. I even had two people tell me at stop lights from their cars how much they liked my shoes. So riddle me this Batman, was it the color of the shoes that they liked, because they were not usual, or was it the fact the shoes looked so bright with the black tights? 

In addition I launched my etsy site today. It only has four pieces, but it's up. Maybe go check it out. 

Until next time.......

1 comment:

  1. plane dress!!!! and i think it was the combination of the black tights and bright shoes. super cute!
