Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom and Happy Ah Ha Day Me!!

Week 2, Day 5

Hello from Portland. I am in the Rose city my fabulous mothers birthday party, which I planned unexpectedly, here's hoping she likes it.

Portland from Seattle is about a two and a half hour drive, which when driving with my husband I enjoy. It makes us get to chat for two and a half hours. Today's chat was about my unemployment and where I am going with it. We came to the conclusion that I should work in something creative. 

Now don't get me wrong, this is pretty obvious. I mean I am a Pisces, a bit unique and can not do math, so creativity seems to run in my blood. However, the realization had not fully hit me until today's car ride. Once I had this "ah ha moment" I suddenly felt a bit at ease. I had now just narrowed down my job search to art, fashion, music, etc. Knowing this, made me realize that I may have been trying to hard looking for everything and not trying hard enough looking for the right thing. 

So friends as the week comes to a close I will begin the job hunt Monday with my creative cap on and a new knowledge of myself. 

Until next time....

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