Monday, January 24, 2011

I Was Not Murdered and Finished Some Seating!

Week 4 (really?!)

Today was busy. I sold a vanity on Craigslist and delivered it to the buyer who owned a coffee shop. Instead of killing me she gave me a delicious free, Americano and commended me on my cautionary sense of not wanting to help her move the vanity to her living space.

Today also brought about me finally finishing my Spokane Coliseum stadium seats. I took them from kitchy to modern with a can of spray paint and some imagination. Which my friend Blair (a boy) believes I should sell on Craigslist for $400 dollars. I appreciate his optimism.

Finally, the day ended with me enjoying happy hour with a very good friend of mine from high school, a Mrs. Wendy Choy, who I had not seen in 12 years. It was nice discussing old times, why neither of us went to the reunion and how we both felt about high school.

Now I end the day now with you, my readers, some job searching which doesn't seem to be promising, and contract work. I guess if all else fails I can always fall back on reconstructing furniture.

Until next time.....

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